By signing this form, you grant consent to Alan E. Oshinsky, M.D., P.A., to use and disclose your protected health information for treatment, payment, and health care operations. Our Notice of Privacy Practices provides more detailed information about how we may use and disclose this protected health information. You have the legal right to review our Notice of Privacy Practices before signing this consent, and we encourage you to read it thoroughly.

Our "Notice of Privacy Practices" is subject to change. Should we amend our notice, you may obtain a copy of the revised document by contacting our office at #410-837-6126.

You have the right to request restrictions on how we use and disclose your protected health information for treatment, payment, or health care operations. While we are not legally obligated to agree to your request, if we do, we will abide by our agreement.

You also have the right to revoke this consent in writing at any time, except to the extent that we have already used or disclosed your protected health information based on your consent.

Emergency contact

Please provide an emergency contact. This person will be authorized to call, confirm, or change appointments.

This person is authorized to discuss medical conditions and /or treatments on your behalf:

Patient Responsibility Statement


• If my medical insurance policy requires that an approval and/or written referral be obtained before each and/or any medical service is rendered, I understand that I am personally responsible for obtaining all required prior approvals and/or referrals for any and all medical services rendered by Alan E. Oshinsky, M.D., P.A. Further, I personally agree and understand that I am fully financially responsible for charges incurred for medical services without such approvals and/or referrals. I also understand that I am personally responsible for knowing the status of my referral, i.e. the nature of the medical service allowed, the number visits authorized and the expiration date.

• I understand that I should review my EXPLANATION OF BENEFITS when received to help determine my financial responsibility for services rendered. I know and agree that I am financially responsible for payment of deductibles and/or copay amounts as outlined by my healthcare plan.

• I understand and agree that I am fully financially responsible for payment of charges for all services rendered and not covered for any reason, whatsoever, by my healthcare plan, which charges I agree are fair and reasonable.

• I understand that I will be charged $50.00 for any appointments not cancelled within 24 hours prior to my visit.

• I understand that I will be charged $35.00 for any checks returned by the bank for insufficient funds.

• I understand that I should direct all questions concerning my insurance plan and benefits to my healthcare plan representative.

• I understand and agree that if my insurance changes, I must notify Alan E. Oshinsky, M .D., P.A. in writing of such change and that I must submit correct information which will allow for correct billing. If I receive medical service without prior notification of insurance change or incorrect notification, I agree and understand that I am fully personally responsible for payment of all charges for medical services rendered.

• I authorize any entity or agency to release any and all medical records required for the management of my medical condition.

• All payments are expected at the time of service and any outstanding balances are due within 30 days. All past due balances are assessed a 1.5% per month (18% per annum) finance charge. All balances that reach 90 days past due will be sent to a collection agency. If it becomes necessary to send my account to collections, I agree and understand that I will pay for all collection costs and reasonable attorney fees on the unpaid balance owed, but in no event less than $50.00. I understand and agree that I will pay for all court costs and the costs of a private process server, if necessary.

• I agree and understand that Alan E. Oshinsky, M.D., P.A. charges a $10.00 completion fee for any forms that need to be completed. These forms include, but are not limited to, school, camp, sports participation, FMLA, life insurance, disability. I understand that I need to allow five business days for completion.

• I authorize treatment by Alan E. Oshinsky, M.D., P.A. and agree to be responsible for my bill. I authorize my insurance benefits to be paid directly to Alan E. Oshinsky, M.D., P.A. I also authorize disclosure of my medical records to any agency involved in payment for my treatment. I consent to have Alan E. Oshinsky, M.D., P.A. to act as my authorized representative for the purpose of accessing and transmitting my coordination of care document.


STOP-BANG Sleep Apnea Questionnaire

Please check if you agree

Do you SNORE loudly (louder than talking or loud enough to be heard through closed doors)?

Do you often feel TIRED, fatigued or sleepy during the daytime?

Has anyone OBSERVED you stop breathing during your sleep?

Do you have, or are you being treated for high blood PRESSURE?


Please sign electronically below.

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Click submit and you hereby give consent to sign this document electronically.

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